
Acupuncture is a method of returning your body to homeostasis (balance) by inserting fine, single use, sterile needles into specific points on the body to accomplish better health as either a remedial or preventative method. It is a relatively painless and powerful technique that stimulates the natural healing in our bodies. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture is a very comprehensive... Read More

Acupuncture is a method of returning your body to homeostasis (balance) by inserting fine, single use, sterile needles into specific points on the body to accomplish better health as either a remedial or preventative method. It is a relatively painless and powerful technique that stimulates the natural healing in our bodies. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture is a very comprehensive holistic healing method recognized the world over.


We offer you an opportunity to consult with the Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assist you in determining which healing discipline is best suited to achieve your goal of optimizing your health. Our goal is to empower your ability to make an informed choice.

William Hardman, a.k.a. Dr. Bill, is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr.TCM) and a Registered Acupuncturist. He graduated with distinction from the Canadian College of Chinese Studies, Victoria, B.C. in 1991. Dr. Bill has operated a successful full time TCM and Acupuncture practice for over thirty years. Bill was fortunate to have the opportunity of receiving his advanced training in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Dr. Hong Zhu. Dr. Zhu is a published author and prior to immigrating to Canada, Dr. Zhu was Senior Acupuncturist at the Beijing TCM hospital. As one of Bill’s mentors, Dr. Zhu shared many speciality techniques that help make acupuncture a very powerful, but painless form of treatment. In his practice “Dr. Bill” has extensive experience in treating acute and chronic pain, allergies, complex digestive ailments including Crohn’s disease and IBS, immune enhancement, nutritional counseling, soft tissue injuries including sports injuries and whiplash, stress headaches and migraines, and women’s health issues including infertility and gestational care. Early in his career he worked with the group of lobbyists who convinced the British Columbia government to recognize TCM as a bonafide profession regulated under the Health Professions Act of BC via the CTCMA. William is a Past President of several Traditional Chinese Medicine associations, and he served as Chair of the One Voice Committee that merged two of the largest TCM associations into the ATCMA.

William Hardman, a.k.a. Dr. Bill, is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr.TCM) and a Regi... Read More

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